The Foundation has received a generous donation of $1000 from the Tillamook High School Key Club, part of Kiwanis International, to fund the installation of park benches throughout Tillamook County. The bench plaques will offer phone numbers for the national suicide prevention hotline, and recognize the contributions of the Key Club. The grants were awarded by vote of the Key Club members and allocate funds from the Oregon Community Foundation to support mental health and suicide prevention resources throughout Oregon.
The Foundation just gifted eight coastal redwood saplings to the Trask River Fish Hatchery and the Big Creek Fish Hatchery, near Astoria, part of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The trees will help landscape these vital salmon and trout hatcheries and be a remembrance for the old redwood tree at Trask that needed to be removed for their renovation. Thank you, #ODFW for being a community partner and for your vital work in enhancing Oregon's natural resources.
Finding My Peace in the Park By Neal Lemery It was a glorious day in June. Yesterday’s rain had cleared the air, and the early morning sunshine beat hot down on the steamy vegetation. I’d never seen the park look any more beautiful. Every color of green literally vibrated in the sunshine. Birds flew and sang, and flowers burst from the meadows, and the thick coastal jungle of the forest. Freshly mowed grass, wet moss, and the smell of the river delighted my senses. “What a treasure,” I said to my companions, as we paused at a picnic table by the river to sip our coffee, and simply be in the moment. They only nodded, caught up in the silence of our humanness, letting nature fill the stage in front of our eyes. Words just didn’t need to be spoken, as we took in the fullness of a June morning. “There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection.”
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